15th August this year was a Wednesday, something which was a big factor in helping me get the entire week from 13th to the 17th off from work.
Was flying for the first time ever. SpiceJet flight SG528, 9:50 a.m. BLR-CCU via HYD.
Reached the airport way before time (as usual), but don't regret it (never do), 'cause it helped me get the window seats near the emergency exits (as advised by Arnab). Boarding Pass obtained soon enough, spent time waiting for Security Check by alternating between the info display screen & the Kingfisher girls ....

The pic above was cadged from some aviation portal, by the way. Make no mistake, Mallya has gone in for some of the best girls in the business for his airline. I hear they are hired as 'models' in their contracts so that the company can keep an eye on their weight & figure & stuff. So much of effort for people like me, heh heh.
Anyway, back to the topic. Security Check was smooth & quick, CISF is doing a very good job at the airports. Talking of airports, HAL airport, Bangalore is a bit too small for the city it caters to. BLR deserves better, & will be getting a new airport next year.
SpiceJet flies the new Boeing 737-800 with winglets.

It's a smart looking bird.
Took some pics once inside. Guess what was common in the pics I took at BLR & HYD on the way home & at HYD on the way back?

All of 'em show fuel tankers topping up planes, that's what!
Did a lot of plane spotting .... the ubiquitous Airbus & Boeing passenger jets, Paramount's
Embraers, some freighters, many
ATRs, IAF fighters (probably the
Tejas at BLR, although I'm not too sure), IAF
Mi-17s & to top it all, this big bird at HYD, an
AN-124 belonging to

Reached CCU a bit late, the pilots having recovered time well after the 40 minute delay at HYD. The landing could have been better though. CCU airport immediately casts a better first impression than the one at BLR.
Got on a pre-paid taxi for Howrah. It was okay as long as we were on Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, but then we got into Manicktala & Posta & they left me depressed. These areas definitely need urgent makeovers, what with their decaying buildings, crowded streets, potholed roads & atrocious traffic.
One question though, how come one can still see so many Ambassadors on Kolkata roads?

Reached Howrah well in time (again) for the Steel. They've now got CCTV cameras in the waiting areas near platforms 13 & 14. Thought of taking some videos of those things in action, but then thought otherwise.
The Steel departed bang on time. It's always been one of my favourite trains & it was good to see the railways keeping standards up. Reached JSR on time. Homecoming is always the best journey.
It was not a good time of the year to visit home though. The monsoon was at it's strongest, barely letting up for an hour or two before coming down in full force again.

It's a tribute to JUSCO that there were no traffic jams or water logging anywhere. The roads were suffering though.
Some major changes are happening in my sleepy home town. A huge Reliance Fresh outlet is coming up near the house & the locals seemed eager for it to open. Huge (by small town standards, that is) 6-10 story buildings with glass facades are replacing the old brick &
chajja structures along the main roads. I hear there's a new resort on the NH-33 which is also home to Adidas' second largest factory seconds store in the country! Besides, construction of the city's first 4 screen multiplex has reportedly started near Rivers' Meet. Spotted Tata-Sky & Dish TV dishes on a lot of roof tops. And what's more, Air Deccan is starting connecting flights between the city & Kolkata from the 27th of this month. Super.
Chhotu was looking good which was great since he came so close to the end a few months ago.

The days passed as fast as holidays are wont to & it was time to return to BLR soon. One good thing about taking a flight is that it cuts down on the heaviness one feels inside while going away from home. Oh, & I managed to get the window seat near the emergency exit this time as well, with both seats beside me empty during the journey. Super ample legroom & elbowroom on a low cost airline, anyone?
Some good things happened during this trip, namely
India's test series victory over England & the 60th anniversary of the country's Independence ....

.... check out this year's display at the Red Fort for the PM's address. Sweet!
Labels: Changes, I see, Trip