Finished Chetan Bhagat's 1st book in 2 days of commuting to the office & back & I must say it was great. WAY better than his 2nd book, 'One Night ....', this one was a revelation into what goes on behind the walls of the IITs.
I'd always thought that IITians were some superhuman, infallible species (as does Scott Adams, so I'm not alone there), but after reading this you realize that they are the same as most of us, just a wee bit brainier, that's all. Reading the adventures of Ryan, Alok & Hari bought back all those memories of school life & my misadventures with academics in stds. 11 & 12 (when I should've been cramming to get into IIT!).
I hear they're gonna make a movie out of it. Can't wait for it. Hope it's made by somebody competent enough though.
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