Terrorised .... again

I've waited 3 days before posting to allow myself to cool down, to allow my feelings to subside, to allow the pent-up emotion within to vent itself so that my writing retains an iota of coherence .... something my thought processes haven't been able to do over the last 3 days since this happened.
Indeed, since Wednesday I've spent almost every waking hour thinking about what was happening in Bombay. The brazenness of the perpetrators; the number of locations attacked; the sheer number of special forces they've been able to hold out against & the extent of time they've managed to survive & hog media attention for their perverted cause.
I've been smarting over what seems like a personal insult - as if somebody's got into my own house & ransacked the drawing room. And I haven't even ever been to Bombay.
There is a sense of outrage; a desire for retribution -quick & massive; but above all there is an overpowering sense of hopelessness - that this too shall pass - that people will invariably go back to living their routine lives - that politicians will go back to their electoral games - & we shall all lie in wait for the next attack.
But we must not - we can not do this. Innocents have lost their lives - some of our bravest service men have been killed in the prime of their lives - property worth crores lies destroyed - the reputation of this nation has taken yet another beating. This was the scene on BBC & CNN on the 27th .....
Someone, somewhere sits celebrating. That they've managed to bring the financial capital of this mighty nation to a standstill. That they've yet again demonstrated it's absolutely appalling lack of strong leadership & absence of strong deterrent security in places where it's needed the most.
The most I could do was roll up the newspaper on the 27th & throw it at the opposite wall in anger. But the government must do something substantial this time. Something - anything - take back the no 1st strike declaration for nuclear weapons for instance or pursue a Munich style covert operation to get even with the bastards sitting & plotting in their lairs to the West of this country. Something visible, something tangible like that would go a long way in returning a semblance of respect to the pride of this country that has been ravaged at will & far too often in the recent past.
God bless the souls of the fallen. I salute the brave men who gave up their lives for the nation. May God bless this country with the leadership that is required at this difficult hour.
Labels: I see, India, My 2 cents