Time marches on ....
2005 is into it's last few hours & the one overriding thought that comes to mind when I look back over what transpired this year is how fast it seems to have passed.
The internship, final sem presentation, return to Bangalore, home for Diwali & now this .... they've all literally flown by.
So, it's Happy New Year time once again. The guys back home must have started setting up the woofers at every street corner to blast out their choice of music in anticipation of the new year. The 'Happy New Year 2006' graphiti will start appearing on colony roads & walls by tomorrow evening. Like all other special occassions, I'll miss Jamshedpur on new year's eve too.
Happy New Year to everybody then. May all our dreams & wishes that didn't fructify this year, do so in 2006. Here's to a brighter future for us all .... cheers!

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