R.I.P. Eddie

Vipin informed this morning that Eddie Guerrero died of a heart attack on Sunday (although WWE.com says that the cause of his death is still to be ascertained).
He was one of the most evocative characters in wrestling & held a special appeal for Jolly & me since he used to make an appearance for his fights in all kinds of souped up cars, SUVs & low riders.
He joins a long list of wrestlers who have been falling dead like flies in the last 5-6 years or so. Mr. Perfect, the Big Boss Man & several others whose names I can't recollect right now. All in their late 30s - early 40s. All suffering heart attacks. I guess the hormones they take to build up their bodies make their hearts so weak. It's sad ..... & tragic. Thanks Eddie for the entertainment .... I'll miss this guy.
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